
Your route to a Habilitation — an overview

Application for admission to a Habilitation

Two copies of your application for admission to a Habilitation must be submitted in writing to the Dean, indicating the subject of your Habilitation thesis. Your application must make it clear what subject you are seeking the basic professorial qualification (Lehrbefähigung) in and is expected to be linked to your application to be awarded the full professorial qualification (Lehrbefugnis).

The following must be enclosed with your application:

  1. Curriculum vitae in table form, detailing your academic career and posts held to date (seven copies)
  2. Certificates and diplomas for the academic examinations that you have passed to date (two copies)
  3. Doctoral certificate and diploma, or diplomas demonstrating an equivalent qualification (two copies)
  4. List of academic publications (seven copies)
  5. List of academic papers and poster presentations given at academic conferences (seven copies)
  6. Details of the paper(s) given at the academic colloquium for the respective subject in accordance with §2 para. 2 sentence 2 of the relevant regulations (evidence in the form of confirmation from the institute concerned, in two copies, will be sufficient)
  7. List of the courses that the applicant has taught or been involved in since completing their doctorate, indicating the nature of this involvement (two copies)
  8. Seven copies of the Habilitation thesis
  9. Certificate of good conduct (one copy)
  10. A declaration confirming that the applicant is not the subject of criminal court proceedings or investigative proceedings by the district attorney (one copy)
  11. Three suggested topics for the academic paper to be given at the Habilitation colloquium; the topics must not overlap or relate too closely to the applicant’s doctoral or Habilitation thesis (two copies)
  12. Three suggested topics for the applicant’s inaugural lecture in public (two copies)
  13. A declaration regarding any other ongoing or failed Habilitation procedures (one copy)

The documents for 2. and 3. can be submitted as either certified copies or as photocopies together with the original.



Contact Person:

Dr. Thomas Münster

Managing Director


Wegelerstraße 10

53115 Bonn

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