Research at the Faculty for Mathematics and Natural Sciences
The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the University of Bonn is Germany’s leading faculty for research into the natural sciences. Being involved in four Clusters of Excellence, various Collaborative Research Centers, Transregios, Research Training Groups and Research Units means that the research done at our faculty is interdisciplinary and covers a wide range of topics. Another noteworthy aspect is the close inter-faculty links that research projects enjoy with the Faculties of Medicine, Agriculture, and Law and Economics.
The establishment of the inter-faculty Bonn Technology Campus (BTC) at the University of Bonn has made the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences part of a core facility, service and technology park that is the only one of its kind in Germany and that gives all researchers access to state-of-the-art equipment and infrastructure.

Core Facilities
The Core Facilites of the Faculty for Mathematics and Natural Sciences will be incorporated gradually into the Bonn Technology Campus (BTC).

Clusters of Excellence
As one of the most important research universities in Germany, the University of Bonn has been able to call six clusters of excellence its own since January 2019 - more than any other university in the country.

Transdisciplinary Research Areas (TRAs)
At the transdisciplinary research areas top researchers work together across faculty boundaries on key academic, scientific, technological and societal issues relevant to our future.

Sonderforschungsbereiche (SFBs)
The German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG) is one of the largest third-party funding organizations of the University of Bonn.
Other Research Facilities

Research and Technology Center for Detector Physics (FTD)
Research into the structure of matter on the smallest length scales requires the development of ever more powerful detectors and accelerators. The Research and Technology Center for Detector Physics (Forschungs- und Technologiezentrum Detektorpysik, FTD) provides its users with highly technical infrastructure and measurement laboratories for the development of modern detectors for experimental particle physics and beyond on an area of about 3000 square meters.

Marvin - State of the Art Tier 3 Cluster
A big tier 3 HPC cluster was purchased by the University of Bonn in October 2022. Marvin will be open to all (HPC-experienced) scientists at the University of Bonn, including the University Hospital Bonn (Universitätsklinikum, UKB) and their external project partners.